How to Insulate a Garage Door

Garage door insulation not only makes your garage warmer during winter, it also acts as a barrier between it and outside noises. Garage insulation can also improve the aesthetics of your garage as well as increase your energy efficiency in the long run. Below is a simple step by step guide on how you can easily insulate your garage door without spending a lot of money.

Gather Your Materials

The materials you will require will include; your insulation material, construction or foam adhesives, a tape measure, a sharp knife, a step ladder and maybe a powerful suction cup. There are several insulation materials you can choose from; the most common being foam board insulation. All these materials are easily available at all local hardware or home improvement stores.

In this project, we can use rigid foam insulation liner as our garage door insulant but you can choose any material that is appropriate for your climate and easy to install on your garage door. Generally, foam board and reflective insulation materials are ideal for insulating flat garage doors that have no panels.

Measure the Garage Door Panels

To determine the sizes of the rigid foam insulation liner, you will need to fit into the garage door panels, use a tape measure to measure the sizes of the garage door panels.  For flat garage doors, you won’t have to measure the door panel rather; measure the size of the garage doors so that you can determine how you will cut your pieces to fit in the walls.

Cut The Foam Board and Fit them on the Garage Door Panels

Cut out the rigid foam insulation liners into the shapes and sizes of the garage door panels. Fit them on the door panels using your hands. You can also apply pressure by pumping in using a cup suction to ensure that you pieces fit snugly inside the panels. If you had cut the materials to be slightly smaller than the garage door panels, you can fit them into the panels with foam adhesive to ensure that they fit tightly and securely into the spaces.

If there are any spaces or breaks between pieces, seal them with aluminum foil to reinforce the thermal barrier as well as to secure the insulation material in place.

For flat garage doors, you can simply align the insulation material on the walls using the foam adhesive.

Use Construction/Foam Adhesive

When insulating your garage doors, ensure that you only use foam adhesive that is designed for such purposes. After fitting the insulation material in place, press the wall firmly in smooth strokes in order to create a stronger bond between the garage door and the insulation material.

Basically, insulating a garage door is a simple Do-it-Yourself project that anyone who has the time and is willing to put in a little effort can complete in an afternoon.

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